Naama KaraNa Samskaara – (नाम करण)
By Dr. T(S) Visalakshi
Naming ceremony, Cradle ceremony, Baala Saare or Barasaala (बारसाल) etc so many names are there for this Naama KaraNa Mahothsava Samskaara. This Samskaara is done mostly as a festival with all the relatives and friends.
When the child is born, it will not have any name, till Naama KaraNa is done to the baby to give an identity. Till that time that baby is called as a certain person’s baby, thus by either mother’s or father’s name that baby would be recognized. So a very good name should be given to the new born baby for worldly affairs. The baby must have a name to be called by parents and relatives, to get admission into schools, after growing that baby should gain good name and fame. So she needs a name. The baby needs the name also while doing nitya puja or practicing these vedic rituals. The baby, that is – he or she has to say his Pravara (प्रवर) The baby needs certain name at that time of marriage. While doing Pitru Kaaryas, they have to say their name and the name is very essential because at Pitru Kaaryas we have to say the names of Pita, Pitaamaha, Prapitaamaha. So every individual needs the name. He needs a certain name either for buying or selling properties also. The name is essential for education, for doing a job, for dealing with the members of society etc.
The ritual performed by the parents to give such an important name to their offspring is called as Naama KaraNa Mahothsava. Thus giving name on an auspicious day will result in the growth of Aayush, Yashas and Aishwarya, the longevity, prosperity and fame.
Actually why parents name their children? For this our sastra answers – It is for the parents to obtain Moksha – Salvation – Liberation – Mukti
The story of AjaameeLa (अजामील) is an example for this. The purpose and fortune of getting this body is attainment of Moksha. Even after getting human body, this Manava Upadhi if we do not try to get Mukti, certainly we are losers. “Mahatee Vinasthy”, says the Upanishads. People spend their entire span of lifetime completely engaging themselves in several works, duties and worldly pursuits. They might be doing several Dharmik works also, they might have given donations and perform religious rites etc also. But mostly nobody remembers God, the name of God at the time of leaving the body. Automatically they remember their children only. They want to see the faces of their children and talk to them and they call them with their names to come close to them at the last moment of leaving their body. Whatever is thought of and whomever they remember, after their death they take next birth according to their thoughts at last breathing. For this the authority is Geeta vaakya of Shri Krishna Paramaatma.
“यं यं वाऽपि स्मरन्भावं
त्यजन्त्यन्ते कलेबरम् ।
तंतमेवैति कौन्तेय
सदा तद्भाव भावितः” ।।
Thinking of what and whom in the last moments, one leaves the body, one would get a birth favourable to that feeling only because he is having that feeling in the mind. If one leaves the body while thinking the name of Bhagavan as Shiva or Rama or Krishna or Vishnu, he would certainly obtain God only after leaving this body and will not be born again. But if a person leaves the body thinking of anything that is – any activities and worldly things then they will be born as related to that only. Just as JaDa Bharata died while thinking of a deer, was born as a deer though in fact he was a very great sage. He almost reached the state of Brahma Jnaani, just a step behind and even at that stage he got this Moha of deer and got the birth of a deer but because of his Samskaara, he then remembered the past and got liberated through that Upadhi of the deer.
So we should keep the names of gods to our children and utter their names every minute with love and affection. Even then we will get the fruit of remembering and thinking of god’s name. Best example is Ajaameela. Ajaameela was born in a Sat Brahmin family, studied veda Shastras. He always used to serve his parents and gurus. His parents got him married to a very virtuous befitting handsome girl. The couple was very happy leading righteous life, but due to his misfortune one day he happened to see a very bad incident that occurred in his life. With passion he married a woman immorally and became corrupt of his caste, neglected his wife, who is a Kulasthree. That is really a great sin to neglect her and also he neglected his parents and he abstained from Dharma. He got children through that woman whom he married second time. Due to the fortune of his previous deeds, he kept the name to his last son as Narayana. He is very much attached to him. In that way his lifetime passed away. He was on deathbed. Then he saw Yama Bhatas standing by his side. He knew that they will take his Aatma the moment he leaves the body. He wanted to see his dear son and so called loudly “Narayana, Narayana! please come here”.
Though he called his son Narayana with Putra Moha, yet immediately Vishnu Dootas came there. Yama Bhatas said to Vishnu Dootas: “why have you come here? He is a sinner, very wicked unrighteous person”. Then Vishnu Dootas said “May be that is correct. Even then because he remembered Lord Narayana now at this last moment and called him loudly we came here, so there is no work for you, you please go away. He need not have to come to Naraka Loka along with you”. Then Yama Bhatas went away. Immediately even Vishnu Dootas disappeared. Ajaameela has not yet lost his life. He was observing all this and immediately got enlightened. He repented a lot for his behaviour. He thought, “Yama Dutas are ready to take me to hell to punish me for my unrighteous behaviour. Just once I uttered Narayana and Vishnu came to my rescue. If once I uttered Narayana this is the result, then how fortunate it would have been if I pray God every day and spend my whole life righteously as I used to do before coming in contact with this lady.”
He lamented in his heart and he prayed God to give him an opportunity to correct himself to uplift his life, to correct his mistakes and misbehaviour. God gave him the chance not only because he wept with remorse but also because since his birth he was Dhaarmika, leading a very pious life, studied vedas, served his parents and gurus, behaved well with his Dharmapatni. That punya came to his rescue now. Because he wanted to correct himself in this very birth, with (पश्चात्ताप) Pas’chaattaapa and he wanted to do (प्रायश्चित्त) Praayaschitta, so he got that opportunity. His life did not end, that is his praaNa did not yet leave him. Slowly he recovered. Now the passion for this illegal wife and children has completely gone away. He left all of them, he went on pilgrimage, performed religious rites and did continuously Daiva Nama SmaraNa and Japa. He finally got liberated, he got Mukthi.
So by this story one may wonder how is it possible to get Mukthi spending the whole lifetime unrighteously and just by calling the name of God once or twice at the end of life. In fact he did not call God, he shouted his son’s name only whose name is NarayaNa. For this we already got the answer. For this we should remember many slokas of Bhagavat Gita. The sloka –
यं यं वाऽपि स्मरन् भावं… Etc,
“अपि चेत् सुदुराचारो
भजते मामनन्यभाक् ।
साधुरेव स मन्तव्यो
सम्यक् व्यवसितो हि सः”।।
The secret in fact is the AARTI (आर्ति) in the heart and voice of AjaameeLa and the meritorious deeds he performed in the previous stage of his life. They came to his rescue and because he was actually worthy of getting Moksha so he got it now. His repentance gave him the chance for him to get Moksha. This is the strength of his Vasanas and previous samskaras. Pas’chattaapa and Praayas’chitta are so great that what all sins he did and his unrighteous behaviour got nullified by them. His strong will to acquire NarayaNa was fulfilled.
Now by calling his son’s name NarayaNa, God gave him an opportunity to correct himself. So we need to name our children the divine names to get punya by uttering God’s names as the names of our children and to utter at the last breath of us.
Now we should know how this method of naming has come and who named whom for the first time? Actually Veda Maata called “para Brahman, as Para Brahman”. “Para” means beyond, “Brahman” means that which is pervading everywhere.
Brumh VistaraNe – to expand is the root for the word “Brahman”. That power which is pervading the whole universe is “Brahman” one which is even beyond is “Para-Brahman”.
Prajaapati Chaturmukha Brahma started to do his work of creation. A Super Power appeared in front of him. While Brahma Deva was watching That, It was divided into eight parts and Brahmadeva named all those eight forms with eight names as –
Rudra, Sharva, Pas’upathi, Ugra, Asheti, Bhava, Mahadeva and Eeshaana.
These eight names are called as original eight Shivarupas – original “octaves”
Names bring good fortune to all living beings.
“जातानन्तरमेव नामकरणं
एकादशाह्ने स्फुटम् ।
दशम्यामुत्थितायां स्नातायांपुत्रस्य नाम ददाति !!
The new born baby can be named at the time of Jaata Karma on the 11th day, while performing Jaata Karma, Graha Dosha NivaraNa Poojas and other shaantis etc..
NaamakaraNa can be done on 21st day, or 25th day or 29th day of the first month. According to the astronomical signs seeing the good star for both the father and baby, seeing an auspicious day. this Naama KaraNa and cradle ceremony can be celebrated as Baala Saare or Baarasaala, the procedure of giving Saare to the baby.
Dharma Shastra says
“आयुर्वर्चोऽभिवृद्धिश्च सिद्धिर्व्यवहृतेस्तथा ।
नामकर्म फलं त्वेतत्
समुत्तिष्ठं मनीषिभिः”।।
We perform this NaamakaraNa Mahotsava to the newly born baby with the intention that, the child should grow up with strength, vigour, lustre and Medhas – intelligence and live long with full span of life, and give good name and fame to the dynasty.
So we should keep such a good, befitting & worthy, significant name we should keep to our babies. The parents of the baby should first pray for the blessings of Maharshis, Gods, ancestors of their dynasty then worship Fire God (Agni Devata). Worshiping and pleasing Gods through fire God by offering in the fire the Aahutis for the Gods.
Then the father of the baby should pray and seek the permission of “Sabhaa sadas” (सभासदाः) who attended that function, who are present there to name the child and announce the name.
“सभा सत्पुरुषमध्ये नाम प्रकटन सिद्ध्यर्थं अनुमतिं प्रार्थयामि”।
Those who are present THERE, will permit him. Then he should do प्रणाम to them, salute them as “सभायै नमः” “Sabhaayai Namah” and then according to the procedure of the S’aastras, as done by the priest he should name the child, tell the name three times in the right ear of the child and then announce the name loudly to Sabhaasadas.
Names are given based on the baby’s date of birth, month, date, star and in which pada of the star the baby was born. In this way name of the month – Maasa Naama will be given first. The Nakshatra Naama will be given according to the star and paada in which the baby is born. Letters are given in Shastra with which letter the name has to start based on birth star. We should see those letters and keep the name. The priests will do that. Then we have to give Vyavahaara Naama along with the names of Devatas, grand parents etc. Fix a Vyavahaara Naama, name the baby with that. The child will be finally called with
the last part of Vyavahaara Naama.
Aksha Maalikopanishad gives the meanings and greatness of all letters and their Adhisthaana Devatas. In our panchaangam we can see the letters with which the names have to start according to the paada of the birth star of the baby. Accordingly, the priest would tell the Maasa Naama and Nakshatra Naama. By listening to these names one can easily know in which month and which star in which pada the baby is born.
At that time of settling marriage, we can see basing on this whether the horoscopes of bride and bride groom are matching or not.
Now coming to the letters of stars, for example if the baby is born in Ashwini star, the name should start with the letters “Choo”, “Che”, “Cho”, “Laa” (चू, चे, चो, ला ) for the four paadas in a row.
Similarly there are letters for four Paadas of all 27 stars, total 108. Anybody has to take birth in any of these stars only. So we pray God with Asthottara S’ata Naamas. (अष्टोत्तरशत नामावली )
The Maasa Naamas for both girls and boys were given in panchangam. For girls the following are the 12 names given for 12 month months –
“मार्गशीर्षे च वाग्देवी
पुष्ये पद्मावती तथा ।
श्रीदेवी चापि सावित्री
भूमिः कल्याणिकी तथा ।
सत्यभामा पुण्यवती
चन्द्रावती च लक्ष्मी च
स्त्री नामकरणेषु च”।।
For boys the names are given as
वैकुण्ठोऽथ जनार्दनः ।
उपेन्द्रो यज्ञपुरुषो
वासुदेवस्तथा हरिः ।।
योगीशः पुण्डरीकाक्षो
मासनामान्यनुक्रमात्” ।।
These are the 12 names for 12 months for the babies. If the Naama KaraNa Samskaara is
celebrated either on 11th day or 21st day we need not have to specially or particularly see for auspicious day and Shubha Muhoorta. But otherwise we have to see a good Muhoorta, according to the Nakshatra of the father and baby first and then tithi and vaara. (तिथि & वार)
These stars should be either Sampath or Kshema or Saadhana or Mitra or Parama Mitra. Then that would be good मुहूर्त्त ।
On that auspicious day father, mother and child should take auspicious holy bath – Mangala snaana and wear new clothes. The family priest or some other purohita guru (पुरोहितः) – should be employed to perform this ritual. All relatives and friends should be arriving on that day.
The parents, keeping the child on the lap should sit on wooden planks (पीटलु as we say in Telugu) and worship the Gods as per the instructions of Purohita – (ब्रह्ममहोदयः)
For performing any religious rites in our tradition usually the wife should sit on the left side to her husband but for this Naama KaraNa, the wife should sit to the right to her husband. The father keeps the baby on his lap and does Nama KaraNa.
A silver plate with full of rice should be taken, keeping a betel leaf in the middle of that plate. Ganapathi made with turmeric should be kept on betel leaf. After putting a little turmeric and kumkuma on that leaf then kumkuma should be kept to the Ganapati and Shodas’opachaara pooja (षोडशोपचार पूजा) to be performed to Ganapati. After giving naivedya (नैवेद्यं ) harati (हारति) and mantra pushpa (मन्त्रपुष्प), Punah Pooja should be done. Then the Pooja Phala is to be offered to Ganapati saying –
“सर्वं श्री महागणाधिपति चरणारविन्दार्पणमस्तु”।
“Sarvam Sri Mahaa GaNaadhipati CharaNaaravindarpaNamastu.”
Then while uttering the following mantra
“गणपतिं यथा स्थानम् प्रवेशयामि शोभनार्थम्, पुनरागमनाय च”।
Ganapthi should be lifted along with Puja Dravyas, Flowers etc., by the wife and husband together, keep it on a different plate and keep that plate aside.
Some people perform this Vinaayaka pooja taking a separate small silver plate filled with rice and after pooja keep that plate aside.
Now the father has to take the big silver plate filled with rice into hands. Holding the DARBHA ring to the finger, taking a golden ring without stones, should draw two lines in the rice with golden ring and make the rice into three parts.
At the top of the three parts that is on the first row he should write Maasa Naama with “Sri” that is saying Maasa Naama and says – “मास नामासि श्रीः”
“Maasanamasi sreeh”….
In the second row, that is middle row Nakshatra Naama (नक्षत्र नाम) should be written with Sreeh, repeating Nakshatra Naama and say – “नक्षत्र नामासि श्रीः”
“nakshatra namasi sri” .
And then in the third part or at the bottom part the Vyavahaara Naama (व्यवहार नाम) should be written with all the other desired names including grandfather’s name etc or if any vows are there of any Gods that name also can be written. Then Vyavahaara Naama has to be written and finally that baby would be called by that throughout his or her life for all the worldly affairs.
Father has to utter three times all these three names saying the names of month, star and Vyavahaara Nama as –
“मास नाम धृत्वा…., नक्षत्र नाम धृत्वा…., व्यवहार नाम धृत्वा, शतायुष्मान् भव । शतायुष्मती भव । वर्धस्व ।”
Then they have to bless the baby to live long healthy and hail.
It is known from the Dharma Shastras written by sages like Sri Gautama Maharshi, Bharadwaaja Maharshi, KaNva Maharshi etc., that the letters of the names of the baby boys should be even number and of girls names should be of odd numbers. After writing the names of the child the plate should be kept on the ground, put BETEL NUTS (పోక చెక్కలు) and akshatalu (అక్షింతలు as we say in Telugu) in eight directions around the plate inviting or invoking eight forms of Paramaatmaa as –
“रुद्र, शर्व, पशुपति, उग्र, अशति, भव, महादेव, ईशान”।
“Rudra, Sharva, Pasupathi, Ugra, Ashathi, Bhava, Mahadeva and Eshaana”,
and pray them to give auspiciousness to all of them, to their family, baby, mother, father and all. After worshiping these Astha Murthis, he should also worship the names written in silver plate with turmeric, kumkuma (कुंकुम), sandal paste, (गन्ध) flowers (पुष्पाणि) and akshatalu (अक्षताः) and give Dhoopa and show Deepa to all the gods. Finally they should give haarati (हारति) to them after giving Naivedya (नैवेद्य).
The names are the Devatas. They are to be worshipped. The Naama devatas protect us, so we have to worship all Naama Devatas.
Then the father has to bow down to the Sabha saying “सभायै नमः”
He should keep the baby on the right thigh and lift the right side of the baby slowly and utter the Maasa nama, Nakshatra nama then Vyavahaara Naama three times in the right ear of the child and bless the baby to live long.
Then the father should hug the baby to the heart and say the mantra –
“अङ्गादङ्गात् संभवसि हृदयादभि जायसे । आत्मा वै पुत्र नामासि । त्वं जीव शरदश्शतम्”।।
Shastras say that, then the father has to smell on the forehead of the baby. By smelling thus at the head, the nature, behaviour, talent of the child would be known. We have Brahma Randhra on the middle of the head, on the MAADU of the head. The father should smell the head at the beginning of paapidi here this place the line drawn on the head to make hair into two parts, the place where the married woman keep Sindhoor and also smell at Brahma Randhra place.
When KarNa is found in the golden basket and Soota got him, he saw the lustre of the child and by smelling at the head he could know him to be Uttama Kula Sanjaata.
Thus, when the father tells the name in the ear of the child, then the mother should tell the name of the baby in the right ear of the baby followed by near and dear relatives.
Everyone should bless the child and parents. Then Mangala harati (मङ्गल हारति) should be given to them.
Our s’aastra tells that one should not tell their name, the name of guru, name of wife and elder son and also the name of miser.
“आत्म नाम, गुरोर्नाम
नामाति कृपणस्य च।
श्रेयस्कामो न गृह्णीयात्
ज्येष्ठापत्य कलत्रयोः”।।
One should not say directly his name while introducing himself to others. We should say “I am the son of so and so” just as Sri Ramachandra says he is DAASARADHI.
After completing Nama Karana Mahotshava, the child should be placed in the cradle. That cradle should be decorated with flowers or garlands. First the mother through the hands of mother-in-law then, sisters-in-law, then her mother, sisters, all near relatives should take the baby carefully three times each the baby from over the cradle. That is above the cradle and frame under the cradle.
Finally the mother should put the baby in the cradle keeping the head to the east side. A toy baby should be put by the side of the baby: a palm leaf toy or any wooden toy for the protection of this baby when parents are not nearby.
Thus the naming ceremony should be performed. The babies sleep happily in the cradle without any disturbances. Thus a worthy name should be given to the child. The child also should grow befitting to his name.
स्वस्ति 🙏