Dr. Cherla Sastry, Toronto, Canada; Sri. R.D Sharma, Hyderabad, India and Dr. Y.N. Rao, Hyderabad, India; are Major supporters for the present position of “Veda Samskruti “Local circle (formed in 2014). Hyderabad.
Veda samskruti: E-satsang in Local circle formed in oct.2014.
Conducted first annual general body meeting in November 2015
Samskrita Bharati Malakjgiri-Hyderabad-Janapada Sammelan-Feb-2015 – See Gallery of Photoes
Interviews with Dr. RVSS Avadhanlu and Works of Mr. Rajiv Malhotra have put seeds for formation of Veda samskruti circle. “VEDA SAMSKRUTI”—e.SATSANGH.
Released a souvenir in 2016
Conducted a seminar in association with 13 organsiations on 21st August 2016 on Book Readers Meet of Book ” Battle for Sanskrit by Sri. Rajiv Malhotra”
Formed Bharateeya Samakhya adding various sanaatadharma association at Hyderabad.
Conducted 3 days swminar from 10thto12th november at Ravindrabharathi and Patel Auditorium at KMIT, Narayanaguda in association with Shri Veda Bharati. Released souvenir after presenting more tha 50 papers on Samskritam and Baarateeya kalaa vaibhavamu.
Supported the shobhaa yaatra of “Shabda veda” by ShriVeda Bharati.
Supported the shobhaa yaatra of “Shabda veda” by ShriVeda Bharati.
2018: Supported the Shobha yaatra of Kanchi paramaachaarya Paaduka Yaatraa in Andhra pradesh from Ichchaapuram to Tirupati conducted Jay jay shankara TV channel and Shri Veda Bharati.
Supported the Shobha yaatra of Kanchi paramaachaarya Paaduka Yaatraa in Andhra pradesh from Ichchaapuram to Tirupati conducted Jay jay shankara TV channel and Shri Veda Bharati.
Recommendation on the following topics have been submitted to respective authorites
A series of 16 Webinars are conducted on Sanaatana Dharma by Dr. T(S) Visalakshi, Vice President, VSS. Shodasa Samskaramulu were covered in detail. All the webinars are recorded and uploaded into uTube during 2021
A Certificate Course of 3 months duration on Sanaatana Dharma is condcted starting from 06 May 2022 – 09 Aug 22.
Two Yoga classes of one month duration each are conducted in association with Viswa Yoga Vidyapeeth (VYV) during 2021-22. Dr. CSR Prabhu, Chairman, VYV conducted the classes.
As on date VSS has 630 Social media and whatsapp group members.
Several articles or topics are placed and discussed in various groups Veda Samskruti Samiti.
224 Videos are uploaded as on 17 Aug 22
90 Webinars are conducted as on 17 Aug 22 on various topics connected with Sanaatana Dharma –