
Book Release Functions

Book Release Function of the Book “The Science of Arunaprasna” by Dr. Sitaram Ayyagari was organised by Veda Samskruta Samiti in association with Sura Bharati Samiti on 11 Nov 2022 at Sura Bharati Samiti auditorium in Osmania University. 90 persons attended the function. It was a grand success. The Video and the Photographs are given below

Video of the Event Video

Book Release Function at BHU , Varanasi

Book Release Function of the Book “The Science of Arunaprasna” by Dr. Sitaram Ayyagari was organised by Veda Samskruta Samiti in association with Banaras Hindu University on 21 Nov 2022 at Banaras Hindu University. Many scholars and students attended the function. It was a grand success. The Video and the Photographs are given below




Four Book Release Functions of the Book “The Science of Arunaprasna” by Dr. Sitaram Ayyagari were organised by Veda Samskruta Samiti in association with Various organisations in Tirupati on 24rth and 25th Nov 2022. Many scholars and students attended the function. All the functions were a grand success. The Video and the Photographs are given below

Video at Vidvas School

Book Release Function at New Delhi

BRF at Bangalore in Om shaanti dhaama


7 replies on “Book Release Functions”

Wonderful report about such a valuable book release function where all intellectuals were present to release a huge Vedic treasure as a gift to the present and future generations. Dandawat Pranams to one and all present on the occasion, and Veda Samskruti Samiti and Surabharati for organizing such a memorable event. The credit goes to the entire team. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

It is great book for who are doing research in Quantum physics as well as know about Sanathan dharma

🙏🏽 Very great function. I learned Arunaprashna long back. Today I could know the greatness of it now only. Thank you sir for shearing.Jai Hind

Very informative book written by Sri Sitaram Ayyagari about the Vedic Verses of “ Aruna Prasna” . Reciting the Stotram itself is very good for the Health of an Individual, but reciting with understanding the meaning is even more benefiicial for entire Humanity. We thank the author for his efforts in highlighting such a great Treasure of our Vedas. 🙏🌹

[25/11, 6:34 AM] Akella H PRABHAKARA RAO: This is the excellent privilege Veda Samskruti Samiti has since its inception in 2014.and registered in 2016. VSS has reached to a land mark level by joining the auspicious organisations of Bhaarat, Bhagavaan Shri Venkateswara paadaaravindaah the Tirumala Tirupati Devastaanams and prime samskrita institute National Sanskrit University , Tirupati.
It is an important mile stone on the path of seva to Sanaatana dharma. VSS is also blessed being part of Lecture Series of Mahaamahopaadhyaaya Shri PattabhiRaama Shaastri vyaakhyaana maalaa , by presenting a Modern Rishi Sri. Sitaram Ayyagaari along with his land mark reasearch grantha by name ” Science of Aruna Prashna”. It is not out place if I mention the outstanding work done by the Publishers of this Grantha Kovidanam Vani travelling and striving last five years along with the writer of this Grantha . The Publishers Kovidanam Vani is associate indepedent organisation of our VSS promoted By. My Children at USA.lead by Shri. Akella Ghanasyam, in association with Smt. V Akella. Chitkala and Akella Sreesa. We all our team members of VSS are blessed by Balaji today svasti sri Shubhakrut naama samvatsara Maarga sheersha shukla paadyami.
All this credit goes to the organisors of VSS at Tirupati lead by Smt. Lalitha B. Krishna and support all EC team and members of VSS and Donors of VSS from behind. Astu. Sarvebhyah DhanyavaadaaH.
SarvE JanaaH shukhino bhavantu.
[25/11, 7:28 AM] Akella H PRABHAKARA RAO: This is the excellent privilege Veda Samskruti Samiti has since its inception in 2014. and registered in 2016. VSS has reached to a landmark level by joining the auspicious organization of Bhaarat, at Bhagavaan Kaashi Vishvanaath paadaaravindaah , the auspicious Vishva Vidyaalaya of Bhaarat, The Banaras Hindu University, BHU.
It is an important milestone on the path of Seva to Sanaatana dharma. VSS is also blessed by presenting a Modern Rishi Sri. Sitaram Ayyagaari along with his land mark reasearch grantha by name ” The Science of Aruna Prashna”.
It is not out of place if I mention the outstanding work done by the Publishers of this Grantha” Kovidanam Vani” travelling and striving last five years along with the writer of this Grantha . The Publishers Kovidanam Vani is associate indepedent organisation of our VSS promoted By. My Children at USA.lead by Shri. Akella Ghanasyam, in association with Smt. V Akella. Chitkala and Akella Sreesa.
We all our team members of VSS are blessed by Kaashi Vishvanaath and Maataa Annapoorna, today svasti sri Shubhakrut naama samvatsara Kartika Bahula,traiyodashi, the 21st Nov,2022.
All this credit goes to the organisers of BHU at Kaashi , lead by Veda Vidwaan Dr. Krishna Murari Tripathi and associated by Dr. Shivaarchita Mishra and supported and blessings by Prof. Upendra Tripathi The Coordinator, at BHU and members of BHU and Members of VSS at Kaashi from behind.
VSS is blessed by the Presence of Distiguished Prof. Hridaya Rajan Mishra Ji , SVDV , BHU and Prof. Vijay Shankar Shuklaji, Retd Indian Bank Manager and Regional Director IGNCA; Varanasi and other dignitaries at BHU.
At Bhagyanagaram, the efforts of Sri K. Raghavendra is appreciable for support and organizing by remote operations in organizing the function at Kaashi with the support of entire VSS Team.
Astu. Sarvebhyah DhanyavaadaaH .Namaste. Shubham Bhooyaat. Sarve Janaah Shukhino Bhavantu.

We are really gratified in attending the book release at Sura Bharati Sabha Osmania Univ,hyd.
Its an eye opener for us.The presentation given by Sri A SitaRam is beyond our expectations.The book we obtained ,The Science of Aruna Prashna,written by Sri SitaRam,has got lots of interesting information.Its really a great book for reasearch scholars.The Noble prize winners this year in Physics have very rightly put it,that *what we are seeing with our eyes is not true* .There is lot to understand in that sentence.
We are really overwhelmed by watching some the speeches of some dignataries.Especially of Dr Avadhanulu garu,and ofcourse the legend of Rigveda Dr Sri Narender Kapre garu & HOD HCU of Sanskit Dept.
Our special thanks to SSB hyd chapter,in making us to further study and study Aruna Prashna.Since then three of my friends have started going thru Arunam prashna.Its an ocean of information.Here I have to specially mention the Aruna Bhashyam by Sri Hari SitaRama Murthy,Veda Pandit and Salakshna Pandit,resident of Hyderabad,which i had the oppurtunity of going through the 28 episodes in UTube.Its an excellent bhashyam and every one must watch it.I had the oppurtunity of taking his blessings at Sankar Matt Temple,Vidyanagar.
Long Live our Sanatana Dharma.

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