saankya darshna –The Nontheistic Dualism – The word
saaankhya is derived from the word
sankhya meaning counting and thinking. The first work of
saankhya sootra is traditionally attributed to
kapila maharshi but present earliest text available is
saaankhya kaarikaa of
iswara krishna saankhya system is one of the oldest systems of
bhaarateeya Philosophy which can be noticed in the
vedas referred to in rugveda “……” (Ch X – 129 – 3). The
ruk also hints at the
satkaaryavaada form and
satkaaryavaada of
rugveda also hints at the
prakruti and
purusha in the context of the creation of the world. bhagavadgeetaa mentions the
saankhya system and
manu in his first chapter of
manusmruti describes the creation of the world. There are 72 kaarikas and a few kaarikas are detailed. The 25 principles of the
saankhya system of thinking refers to the basic tenets of knowledge of self and counting implies the 24 principles born out of nature (
pancha tatvas/
Elements of Nature |
pruthvee/Earth |
jala/Water |
agni/Fire |
vaayu/Air |
aakaasha/Sky |
pancha karmendriyas/Organs of action |
vaak/Speech |
hastas/Hands |
paadas/legs |
upastha/Genitals |
paaya/Annus |
pancha gnaanendriyas/Organs of Knowkedge |
naak/Nose |
jihvaa/Tounge |
chakshu/Eyes |
charma/skin |
karna/Ears |
pancha tanmaatras/Five Senses |
gandha/Smell |
rasa/Taste |
roopa/Shape |
sparsha/Touch |
shabda/Sound |
antahkarana/Internal Organs |
manas/Mind |
buddhi&chitta/Intellect&Memoray |
ahamkara/Ego |
prakruti/Nature |
purusha/Life |
prakruti is characterised by 3 gunas (the ropes) –
sattva, rajas, and
tamas – that bind the soul to the world (सू 12 – 16).
saankhya, the dualistic philosophy acknowledges two aspects of reality, the unconscious principle (
prakruti) and consciousness (
purusha or the self). According to
saankhya philosophy, the universe is full of pain and misery
दुःखत्रयाभिधातात् (
सू–1) namely
aadhyaatmikam, aadhibhautikam and
aadhidaivikam – which are recurring and difficult to eliminate. The
pramaanatrayam are
pratyakshyam, anumaanam and
aaptavachanam – द्रष्टमनुमानमाप्तवचनम् च सर्वप्रमाणसिद्धत्वात् त्रिविधम् | (सू-४/4), जन्ममरणकरणानाम् प्रतिनियमात् अयुगपत्प्रवृत्तेश्च, पुरुषबहुत्वम् सिद्धम् त्रैगुण्यविपर्याच्च | (सू-१८/18), Birth and death are inevitable and different to bodies at different times and hence
purushabahutvam exists. The existence of an effect in its material cause prior to its casual operation is
satkaarya and this theory establishes
satkaaryavada असदकरणात् उपादान ग्रहणात् सर्वसम्भवात्, सत्तस्य शक्यकरणात्कारणभावश्च सत्कार्यम् । (सू-९/9).