Veda Samskruthi Samiti
Veda Samskruti is inherent intellectual property of Bhaarata dEsham. It is the basic duty and right of every person born in Bhaarata dEsham to protect the Intellectual property of Bhaarata dEsham i.e., Veda Samskruti/ Sanaatana Dharma. Indian Constitution and Law provides provision for protection and preservation of its culture, its monuments, architecture etc.
2. The Four Vedas are said to have 1131 shaakhaas right up to the time of Aadi Shankaraachaarya and thereafter. During the last more than 10 centuries, many shaakhaas are out of practice due to the various reasons. Presently only seven shaakaas are in the practice of Guru shiShya parampara.
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Harih OM

Normally classes will be from 8.30 PM to 10.30pm IST and 5:30 AM to 7:30 AM IST
Free Sanskrit coaching for Praveshah , Parichaya, Shikshaa and Kovidah examination of Samskrita Bharati by Sri. Akella Hema Kanta Prabhakara Rao and Dr. T(S) Visalakshi are in progess
Interested people may contact on whatsapp Number given below.
A H Prabhakara Rao
Samskrita Bharati
Founder & President
Veda Samskruti Samiti
Ph nr.9246572182
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Book Release Function at BHU , Varanasi
Book Release Function of the Book “The Science of Arunaprasna” by Dr. Sitaram Ayyagari was organised by Veda Samskruta Samiti in association with Banaras Hindu University on 21 Nov 2022 at Banaras Hindu University. Many scholars and students attended the function. It was a grand success. The Video and the Photographs are given below